Program: From the Alamo to the Capitol: A Legacy Project for all of Texas
Presenters: Marjesca Brown & Kenny Skrobanek
(Zoom Meeting ID: 845 3553 5701 / Passcode: 221223; click HERE to join)
Texas is losing open space at the alarming rate of 20 football fields per hour. In Central Texas, wells and springs are running dry, treetops turn to rooftops in the blink of an eye, and nature seems farther and farther away, as less than 5% of land in Texas is publicly accessible.
Great Springs Project is addressing these challenges posed by rapid urban development by creating a national park-sized corridor of protected lands between San Antonio and Austin and building a trail network connecting the Alamo to the Capitol and the four Great Springs (San Antonio, Comal, San Marcos, and Barton).
This presentation will provide an overview and history of the Great Springs Project and the social, environmental, and economic benefits of open space preservation and recreational trails; how we accomplish our work; and describe current progress and successes to date.