Crescent Bend Nature Park
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Meet Patsy and Alan Kuentz (210.493.2673 or 210.749.7196) at the Land Heritage Institute Headquarters Building. Take Exit 46 off Loop 410 on the south side of San Antonio and turn south on Moursund Blvd., which turns into Pleasanton Road. Turn right onto Neal Road about 5 miles south of 410. Follow Neal Road 2.3 miles to the open gate on the right. Follow the LHI road into the property to the first right turn to the HQ building. A $3 donation is requested. Bring snacks and water.
Join us on April 3, 2025, for Looking Back at San Antonio Audubon Society with the SAAS Board and members. We will look at the formation of SAAS on January 28, 1954, with the first meeting held on May 18, showing a “Screen Tour of the National Audubon Society.”
Highlights: The first Christmas Bird Count was held on December 26, 1955. Then in 1958 members of SAAS proposed a Nature Trail in Olmos Park to the city of Alamo Heights that was dedicated the Nature Trails on November 10, 1965. On November 23, 1969 “Audubon Note”, written by member Dr. R. L. Cope started to appear in the San Antonio Light newspaper with Dick Cudworth taking over the article in February 1984. With urging from SAAS, Mitchell Lake was made a refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl on February 8, 1973. Member Gerald Harding was the prime mover in this project.
We will also hear about SAAS members Charles Bender who led the Christmas Bird Count, Ernie Roney who conducted monthly field trips at Mitchell Lake, and Sumner Dana who banded birds in San Antonio. Also, Georgina Schwartz, who led the Beginner’s Bird Walk (originated by Dorothy Brown), and Patsy and Tom Inglet, who led the Young Birders Club.
SAAS also participated in numerous educational events including Viva Botanica, Children’s Museum Exhibit, San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, and the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center Migratory Bird Festival. At one time, it was a sponsor for the Adopt-A-Highway program and provided volunteers for the KLRN Membership Drive. Then there were the many memorable field trips like the Cartwright Ranch and Pullen Ranch.
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Warbler Woods covers 224 acres of varied habitat covering Pecan Gap sediments with gently rolling topography located near the convergence of three Ecological Regions: South Texas Plains, Blackland Prairie and Edwards Plateau. All participants must RSVP to Sandi Wheeler at
Join Guadalupe Master Naturalist, Elaine Cowley, at Palmetto State Park to document flora and fauna using INaturalist. Everyone is welcome regardless experience with INaturalist. Attendees will need to have the INaturalist on their phones. Park entry required.
Join Guadalupe Master Naturalist, Sandi Wheeler, at Crescent Bend Nature Park to document flora and fauna using INaturalist. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience with INaturalist. Attendees will need to have the INaturalist on their phones.
Join Guadalupe Master Naturalist, Sandi Wheeler at Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary to document flora and fauna using INaturalist. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience with INaturalist. Attendees will need to have the INaturalist on their phones. To attend please contact Sandi Wheeler, Number of attendees is limited.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at Warbler Woods! Warbler Woods is well known for the myriad species, especially warblers, that travel through during spring migration. If you’d like to participate contact Sandi Wheeler, We will be using ebird to record the species seen so be sure to create your own account at 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108.
Join Sandi Wheeler to bird the park looking for the myriad bird species that call the park home in the summer . The park is made up of wooded areas and open fields along Cibolo Creek and a variety of species are possible. We will be using ebird to record the species seen so be sure to create your own account at 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108.
Join Sandi Wheeler for an evening birding event at Warbler Woods. Warbler Woods is well known for the myriad species that call it home during the year. If you’d like to participate contact Sandi Wheeler, We will be using ebird to record the species seen or heard so be sure to create your own account at We’ll spend most of our time sitting in a field watching and listening for birds active at dusk such as Common Nighthawks, Chuck-wills-widows, and owls. Bring a chair, water, snacks, and insect repellent.
Meet leader Christian Fernandez (210.415.0843) in the parking lot for the Emory Oaks Trailhead on the Salado Creek Greenway on the SE side of town.
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
We will doing a variety of needed improvements in Margie’s Woods. All skill levels are welcome. Warbler Woods covers 224 acres of varied habitat covering Pecan Gap sediments with gently rolling topography located near the convergence of three Ecological Regions: South Texas Plains, Blackland Prairie and Edwards Plateau. All participants must RSVP to Sandi Wheeler at
Texas is losing open space at the alarming rate of 20 football fields per hour. In Central Texas, wells and springs are running dry, treetops turn to rooftops in the blink of an eye, and nature seems farther and farther away, as less than 5% of land in Texas is publicly accessible.
Great Springs Project is addressing these challenges posed by rapid urban development by creating a national park-sized corridor of protected lands between San Antonio and Austin and building a trail network connecting the Alamo to the Capitol and the four Great Springs (San Antonio, Comal, San Marcos, and Barton).
This presentation will provide an overview and history of the Great Springs Project and the social, environmental, and economic benefits of open space preservation and recreational trails; how we accomplish our work; and describe current progress and successes to date.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Warbler Woods covers 224 acres of varied habitat covering Pecan Gap sediments with gently rolling topography located near the convergence of three Ecological Regions: South Texas Plains, Blackland Prairie and Edwards Plateau. All participants must RSVP to Sandi Wheeler at
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
(Zoom Meeting ID: 847 6033 8190 / Passcode: 478260; click HERE to join)
Join Shannon and Kruger for an engaging conversation about critically endangered African penguins. They often hear two surprised responses: “There are penguins in Africa?”; and “Oh, how cute!”
During this discussion, you’ll see charming images of these birds, discover why they might face extinction by 2035, understand the broader impact on the marine ecosystem, and learn why Shannon and Kruger are devoted to their survival. You’ll also hear about their collaboration with partners in South Africa and discover why you know a bit about African penguins if you’ve ever handled a chicken or met a donkey.
Shannon and Kruger du Plessis, co-founders of the KruShan Foundation, moved to Wimberley in July 2010 and are forever grateful for their 2013 graduation from the Texas Sages class of the Hays County Naturalists. This experience helped them avoid the mistake of mowing native grasses and removing trees from their 4.5-acre property, which attracts a variety of birds, including Golden-cheeked warblers, Painted buntings, Ladder-backed woodpeckers, various hummingbirds, occasional Red-shouldered hawks, and Northern Cardinals.
Their passion for environmental stewardship led them to become Climate Reality Leaders, trained by Al Gore, to deepen their understanding of climate change. Shannon and Kruger are dedicated animal lovers and biodiversity advocates who gently relocate any critters that enter their home—although Shannon is still working on her fear of scorpions. Shannon was instrumental in having The Wimberley Valley designated as an International Dark-Sky Community by Dark Sky International.
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
(Zoom Meeting ID: 829 1423 7770 / Passcode: 221087; click HERE to join)
The January 2 San Antonio Audubon meeting will be devoted to discussing the future of the organization as it is facing some difficult challenges. There are several key positions that have not been filled which include the President and Chairpersons for Field Trips, Programs and Education, to name a few.
Additionally, attendance has been disappointingly low at the general meetings, some field trips, and socials. The meeting will also include a discussion of donations made by the SA Audubon in recent years and suggestions on where to disperse the remaining funds if there is a dissolution of the organization.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Our count circle is located southwest of downtown San Antonio and divided into smaller count areas. Interested participants: email Dahn Windhorn ( to identify an area (leader) counter who needs assistance. We will be hosting a virtual countdown that will begin around 7:00 p.m. to allow compilers to fill out Rare Bird Forms and complete their daily checklists. Join the virtual countdown via Zoom here. (Zoom ID is 824 0846 4476; passcode: 022417).
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
SAAS will celebrate the end of the year at our December 5 online meeting with members taking turns on Zoom sharing photos of birds they’ve seen this year. Email Zachary Tonzetich ( if you’d like to share up to 10 photos from your computer that night.
Honey Creek State Natural Area is a designated Important Birding Area (IBA) located adjacent to Guadalupe River State Park. The trip will be an approximately 2.5 mile hike over moderate terrain. A walking stick may be useful. Participation is limited to 12 people. Contact Sandi Wheeler,, if you’d like to attend.
Meet leader Christian Fernandez (210-415-0843) at the trailhead across from Stinson Municipal Airport at 8535 Mission Road. We will explore the trails and head down to the San Antonio River.
Meet trip leader Zachary Tonzetich (210-232-3670; in the parking lot of the Castroville Regional Park. The park is located at 816 Alsace Ave in Castroville, TX. Take US 90 West to Castroville. At the end of the Medina River bridge you enter Castroville, turn left onto Florence Street and follow the signs to the park. Bring insect spray, sunscreen, and water.
Meet leader, Andy Garcia,, at Mission San Juan near Berg’s Mill. The address is 9101 Graf Road, San Antonio, Texas.
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
You do NOT want to miss the November SAAS meeting! Come and enjoy the cool Andean paramo, the cloud forests of Mindo, and the steamy Amazon basin. Feast your eyes on some of the most beautiful and intriguing birds in the world including hummingbirds that eat right out of your hand and the mythical cock-of-the-rock.
From January 22 to February 1, 2024, Desi D’Orsogna had the privilege of birding Ecuador with noted guide, Edwin Perez. With literally only 3 days’ notice, David—who keeps his bags packed—agreed to accompany Des. A competent guide and photographer in his own right, David enriched and enlivened her birding experience.
You will want to put Ecuador on your bucket list after this presentation which will feature a fraction of the more than 300 species seen/heard!
David’s soon-to-be-published field guide on birds of Texas just might feature some birds also found in Ecuador. Rumor has it that David and Edwin are organizing a jointly guided birding trip back to Ecuador’s lovely Mindo region for those of us becoming increasingly physically challenged. Stay tuned!
Join us for a potluck social at the Judson Nature Trail House. SAAS will provide the entrée and drinks, so feel free to bring your favorite side.
This will be a great time to see the renovations to the Trail House and enjoy food and fellowship with our members and guests. Then at 2 pm, Last Chance Forever Bird of Prey Conservancy will have their presentation. This is a great opportunity to see these magnificent raptors up close and to ask questions of the Conservancy staff.
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Meet leader Zachary Tonzetich (210-232-3670, in the parking lot near the Government Canyon Visitor’s Center. Attendees are encouraged to purchase day passes ahead of time if they don’t have a Texas State Parks Pass. Bring water, sunscreen, insect repellant, and dress appropriately (especially footwear) for rugged trails. Terrain will be uneven and rocky in some areas. Address: 12861 Galm Rd, San Antonio, TX 78254.
Meet Mariann Golden (210) 415-4661 In the parking lot Bring water. The trail partially paved. There is an increase in elevation as we get to the top of the hill. We will be looking for migrants and arriving winter birds. 15551 Nacogdoches
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.
Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary needs your help to maintain this premier birding location. Trimming along trails, cleaning feeders, trash pickup, and blind maintenance are all things you can help with. We may even get some birding in too. Water will be provided. Some tools are also available but if you have your own loppers or small chain saw to use that would be helpful. If you’d like to participate please let Sandi Wheeler know at
Meet Sandi Wheeler ( in the 1st parking lot. The park address is 12780 W Schaefer Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
Frank Chapman and 26 other conservationists initiated the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) as a way of promoting conservation by counting, rather than hunting, birds on Christmas Day of 1900. Each count takes place in an established 15-mile diameter circle from December 14 through January 5 each year. Audubon and other organizations use data collected in this long-running wildlife census to assess the health of bird populations and to help guide conservation action.
On December 26, 1955, SAAS conducted its first CBC with 22 observers participating. The count was in two areas, one included Woodlawn Lake, Olmos Basin, Brackenridge Park, Fort Sam Houston, and Old Blanco Road. The second area was around Mitchell Lake. Now SAAS is the official CBC organization for San Antonio and the count site is located on the south side of San Antonio and includes the areas of Somerset and Mitchell Lake. This year’s CBC will be on December 15, 2024.
Mandatory RSVP to to let the leader know you’ll be attending as there is limited space. Meet the trip leader at the Judson Nature Trails. Bring water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. From the 5900 block of Broadway, turn west on Ogden Street and drive to the stop sign at Greeley Street. You’ll see a sign to Judson Nature Trails. Turn left, go one block and turn right on Viesca, then into parking lot on left. Address is 246 Viesca Street, San Antonio, TX.