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SAAS Monthly Meeting

Program: Looking Back at San Antonio Audubon Society

Presenters: SAAS Board & Members

(Zoom Meeting ID: 816 9064 5353 / Passcode: 381402; click HERE to join)

Join us on April 3, 2025, for Looking Back at San Antonio Audubon Society with the SAAS Board and members. We will look at the formation of SAAS on January 28, 1954, with the first meeting held on May 18, showing a “Screen Tour of the National Audubon Society.”

Highlights: The first Christmas Bird Count was held on December 26, 1955. Then in 1958 members of SAAS proposed a Nature Trail in Olmos Park to the city of Alamo Heights that was dedicated the Nature Trails on November 10, 1965. On November 23, 1969 “Audubon Note”, written by member Dr. R. L. Cope started to appear in the San Antonio Light newspaper with Dick Cudworth taking over the article in February 1984. With urging from SAAS, Mitchell Lake was made a refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl on February 8, 1973. Member Gerald Harding was the prime mover in this project.

We will also hear about SAAS members Charles Bender who led the Christmas Bird Count, Ernie Roney who conducted monthly field trips at Mitchell Lake, and Sumner Dana who banded birds in San Antonio. Also, Georgina Schwartz, who led the Beginner’s Bird Walk (originated by Dorothy Brown), and Patsy and Tom Inglet, who led the Young Birders Club.

SAAS also participated in numerous educational events including Viva Botanica, Children’s Museum Exhibit, San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, and the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center Migratory Bird Festival. At one time, it was a sponsor for the Adopt-A-Highway program and provided volunteers for the KLRN Membership Drive. Then there were the many memorable field trips like the Cartwright Ranch and Pullen Ranch.

Earlier Event: March 15
Land Heritage Institute